Buy Hearing Aids in Jaipur with the latest styles and functions

Modern hearing aids are complex and personalized digital electro acoustic devices that can be programmed by a computer to amplify sound at specified frequencies. Although digital hearing aid technology has increased significantly over the past fifty years, all hearing aids have the same basic functions and components. You can buy hearing aids in Jaipur with the latest styles and functions from Asha Kiran speech and language habilitation centre.

The main function of the hearing aid:

In all hearing aids, sound waves penetrate the microphone, which converts the acoustic signal into an electrical signal or electrical pulse. Thus, the amplifier increases the power of the electrical signal and eliminates any open noise. The electrical signal is then converted into an acoustic signal that the user can listen to. The receiver then inserts sound into the ear canal. The battery provides the energy needed for these conversion processes. Many digital hearing aids also have many features and controls, such as: switches, volume controls, buttons, a remote control, and directional microphones that allow the user to hear better in different listening environments.

Hearing in the style of AIDS

All of these styles differ in size and functionality. Some of them are so small that no one can tell you if you have a hearing aid, while others are so strong that they can help you even with the most severe hearing loss. Hearing aids that work for you depend on your skill level, hearing loss, listening needs, your lifestyle, budget, and personal preferences. Larger hearing aids usually have larger hearing aids that last longer than smaller hearing aids. You can also have more options, such as directional microphones and voice coils (phones) at a lower price. Smaller hearing aids have fewer functions, but are invisible.

There are seven types of hearing aids: body, glasses, ear (IT), ear (ITC), full channel (CIC), channel receiver (RIC) and open ear (OE). Although body accessories and eyeglasses made up most of the hearing aid market 60 years ago, they make up only a small fraction of the sales of modern hearing aids. In fact, other types of hearing aids are smaller and more advanced.

BTE (open headset, channel and traditional receiver)

Hearing aids (BTE) are very flexible for all types of hearing loss. The hearing aid is installed in a curved outer casing, placed behind each ear and transmitted through the tube. Traditional circuits send sound through a small tube to one ear plug. In both versions, the sound is transmitted through a very thin tube into the ear plug, a small, flexible and convenient piece. This type of system offers improved natural sound quality outside and for your sound.


The hearing aid (ITE) is easy to use, even with low flexibility for the user. A hearing aid is placed in a personalized box that fits comfortably in each ear and transmits sound directly to the ear. The hearing aid usually fills the outer part of the ear. 


Channel hearing systems (ITC) are barely noticeable and very easy to use, despite the low flexibility for the user. The hearing aid is installed in an individual box that fits comfortably into each ear canal and transmits sound directly to the ear.


Hearing aids CIC is almost invisible to others. The hearing aid is located in a small package that fits comfortably into each ear canal. Remove the device from the ear canal by pulling the cable. With these miniature tools, both powerful and aesthetic, some features, such as a volume control, are simply not available because the device is too small. This style is suitable for small traditional vents or large air intakes for opening the ear.

The style and variations of hearing aids depend on hearing loss, lifestyle and budget. Discuss with your audiologist or Asha Kiran Speech and Language Habilitation Centre's professional whose method is right for you. You can get latest styles and featured Hearing Aids in Rajasthan from with us.


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