Why Are Ear infection More General In kids?

Ear infection in sons the reason for general safety is a visit to pediatrics. This means more questions for parents. What is the reason? Do you know that they are parents in a child’s life?

The sound of the drums is transmitted to infections of the inner ear, middle and previous subjects and inflammation of the ears. With the help of ear tubes, fluid flows from the center of the stream from the neck. If you are not happy with the fluid from the collection, then it will be from mating in the middle cause of bacteria.

Why Are Ear infection More General In kids

What are the most common symptoms in a man’s ears?

Usually begins with a cold or flu. The boy has a nose or cough, you can keep warm. He touched his ear, begging him to get rid of discomfort, boys and flaws.

Are children prone to ear infections and other diseases?

Immune System Impairment: A child’s immune system is not developed as an adult’s immune system. Therefore, it is difficult for bacteria and viruses to resist a harmful pest.

Small digit or ex-tensors, tube, digit or ex-tensors, become smaller children. Even if the water works well, it is very difficult to remove it from the ear. If it is a tube / edema clogged with mucus, it is difficult to completely melt.

This is not the reason among adenoids infected by contact with bacteria.

Infectious Disease Treatment

Usually the pain will disappear within 24 hours. So it’s better to wait a day. If symptoms persist, consult a pediatrician. Some doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. If the infection is a mild painkiller to relieve pain tomorrow, it will decrease. If he returns to a confirmed infection, please make sure that the child is prescribed antibiotics.

Visit us for Ear infection solution at https://www.ashakiranspeechhearing.com/


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